Michael Hermesh
Ordered in groups top to bottom of page: 1) sculptures, 2) paintings, 3) drawings, 4) sold work.Click on image to view prices and titles. * Contact us to inquire about a piece. Ask us for gallery images of it!
Sculptures -- Bronze - Price range from $1200 - $40000
Sculptures -- Ceramic - Price range from $700 - $5600
Available Paintings--Mixed Media on Board, price range from $950 - $3000
Available Mixed Media on Paper -- 11 x 8.5" (28x22cm) are each priced at $425 or 3/$1000 CAD unframed
More available mixed Media on Paper - 11 x 8.5" (28x22cm) from Michael Hermesh's 2020 Solo Exhibition. (3 / $1000 CAD unframed)
Recently Sold Paintings and Drawings:
Interested in purchasing? * Click here to see payment options.
All prices are unframed unless otherwise noted. In the event of a price discrepancy between online and in-store pricing, in-store pricing is considered correct.
Click here to View Michael Hermesh 2020 Solo Exhibition August 13 - 27 at Lloyd Gallery.
About The Artist
Born 1955 in Spiritwood Saskatchewan, Michael Hermesh studied art at Okanagan University College and the Vancouver School of Art (Emily Carr). He also has extensive experience in furniture design and ornamental carving. From his residence and self-constructed studio, he continues to indulge his passion for sculpting, as well as hold drawing workshops and sculpture courses. His primary interest is figurative sculpture.
Michael's public sculpture "The Frieze of the Arts" graces the façade of the Summerland Arts Center. "The Friends of the Garden" and the Summerland Chapter of The International Sculpture Symposium (through Agriculture Canada) have commissioned his "Standing Man" sculpture for the Summerland Research Station Ornamental Gardens. Michael's work continues to be well received and is represented in international collections throughout Canada, Italy, Germany, and Spain.
"My sculpture is about what makes us human and about what give us spiritual dignity and strength. My pieces always portray a dynamic aspect of living (force and counter force). I do this through composition, the effort, the restraint and through the battle of spirit with the constraints of situation."
"My feeling about art is that in any given moment the world is filled with images and objects that entertain, dazzle and stroke the senses but that there is precious little truth in our day-to-day lives. What I am drawn to is truth, that truth is deeper than the physical shell that houses it, that truth is a subjective vision."
"I feel very strongly that all art has narrative content in the sense that for anything to exist there is tension and an outcome. I also feel that my art will also always have mystic content in so far that our relationship with a greater reality is part of what makes us human."
"Art is successful to the degree that an emotional or spiritual dialogue has taken place with the viewer engaged in such a way as to engender participation in the work."
"Sculpture is capturing the transition from one state to another; thematically through movement and tension, in composition, and in the idea that spirit can be transmuted to flesh or day."
Fans of Michael Hermesh's work will enjoy reading this article on Michael and his work in the 2016 Summer Edition of Arabella Magazine: http://www.arabelladesign.com/magazine_Summer2016/Michael_Hermesh/Michael_Hermesh.html
About the sculpture "One True Thing" (available in ceramic or bronze): "The list of things we know for sure is very small. We cannot be sure of our external reality, and at best our perceptions give us confirmation of our internal narrative.One true thing is that we exist as awareness and intent, and in that understanding we are supernatural. For those things to be true we are separate from a mechanistic cause and effect universe."
ARTIST STATEMENT about Anatomical Landscape (subject of 2 paintings)
This image has been haunting my art for a year and my understanding of it has grown.
It has taken two repeated elements in my work and developed meaning for me. The suitcase aka the Baggage Handler and the balloon, unsurprisingly from the “Balloonist”
It describes a way to consider the essential elements of a being, a kind of metaphysical anatomy.
The Suitcase being the container of memories, not in the sense of being a physical location but as an idea. We have infinite types of memory, not attempting to be clinically correct or categorically consistent. Memories can be pictorial, aural, muscle memory, libraries, footprints, other people’s thoughts, ancestral memory, fossils, everything on the internet and James Webb images from the edge of the universe, old houses and so on. Truths and falsities.
The balloon is will and desire. We cannot exist without will and desire except in some kind of enlightenment, which I am not up for.
The string is the middle bit and the knot in the string is our silent seat of being, our consciousness our mystery. The unexaminable and that might be described as the Liminal.
No part of this structure is static, even consciousness is a verb.
People may well get themselves and their memories confused, or get themselves and their actions confused (become their work).